Thursday, August 24, 2006

One, Two, and Three

The writings of a dead Chinese philosopher will jump into the head of a nine year old kid living in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn while playing basketball. Although he will achieve instantaneous enlightenment, he will still not be able to hit a three pointer.

A coffin found itself buried six feet under the ground after an emotional ceremony led by a scarlet haired, priest with a lisp. No one will ever know that the coffin is empty, that Douglas Hendricks is actually alive, that the presumed, late Mr. Hendricks is in fact Harry Sinclair an agent with the CIA, that this 'funeral' is a cover up for blowing his cover. No one will ever know but Mr. Harry Sinclair, a few men over at CIA, and the empty coffin, like the rest of us, buried and forgotten, without realizing it's purpose.

Did you ever see Bill Shakespeare do the Lindy Hop? Al Einstein could bake a cherry cobbler that would melt your knees. Kittens loved Chuck Atlas. Johnny Lennon was color blind. Frank Roosevelt's wheelchair grew up in an old growth forest by a river where salmon struggled upstream to spawn.
And inside each of us is a secret masquerading as a lie.

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